BA in Music with concentration in Music Composition

MTHC 1053MTHC 1153
MTHC 1061MTHC 1161
REC 1000REC 1000
XXXX 121 or MTHC 252 lessons (based on audition)2XXXX 121 or MTHC 253 lessons (based on audition)2
Ensemble by audition CHOR,BAND,etc.1Ensemble by audition CHOR,BAND,etc.1
Core 34: English (SGE)0103Core 34: English (SGE)0103
Core 34: Math and Statistics (SGE)0303Core 34: Natural and Physical Sciences (SGE)0404
Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
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MTHC 205 (or other MTHC)3MTHC 253 (or other MTHC)2
MTHC 252 (or other MTHC)2MTHC 300+1
XXXX 221 or MTHC 583 lessons (based on audition)2MUSC 3403
Ensemble by audition CHOR,BAND,etc.1XXXX 221 or MTHC 583 lessons (based on audition)2
Core 34: Communications (SGE)0203Ensemble by audition CHOR,BAND,etc.1
Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
 Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
 14 15
MTHC 410 (or other MTHC 300+)3MTHC 433 (can be 583 (2) + music elec (1))3
MUSC 3603Core 34: Social and Behavior Science (SGE)0503
Core 34: Social and Behavior Science (SGE)0503Core 34: US Culture (SGE)0703
Core 34: Arts and Humanities (SGE)0603300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
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MTHC 300+ can be 583 (2) + music elec (1)3MTHC 498 (capstone)3
Core 34: Arts and Humanities (SGE)0603MTHC 300+2
Core 34: Global Culture (SGE)0703300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3
300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music3300+ Major,minor,etc.Outside of Music2
 15 13
Total Hours 120