Population Health

The multidisciplinary Department of Population Health uses epidemiological methods to solve individual and population health problems. We are dedicated to the development of education, research, and service that emphasizes health promotion, disease prevention, health services, and public health science to improve health. We place special emphasis on a population health perspective that encompasses the ability to assess the health needs of a specific population; implements and evaluates interventions to improve the health of that population; and provides care for individual patients in the context of the culture, health status, and health needs of the population of which that patient is a member. Through required and elective courses, the department emphasizes the following content areas: evidence-based medicine; social and behavioral determinants of health (at an individual and population level); ethics; organization and financing of U.S. health care; the principles, practice, and financing of preventive care; cost-analytic approaches and information in prioritizing the use of resources; and describing population demographics.

PMED 910.  Special Topics in Population Health.  4 Credits.     

Independent study of community health issues and their implications for or impact on the health of society. Examples include infectious disease control, immunization programs, nutrition, air pollution, over-population, wellness, health promotion and life-style change programs, cancer epidemiology, care of disabled persons, mental health programs, the terminally ill or the elderly, poverty, sports, physical fitness programs, etc. Specific content will be defined primarily by interest, background, and wishes of the student. Emphasis will be placed on the methodology used in gaining information and the means by which a health professional can translate and channel such information effectively into educational processes of the community. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

PMED 920.  Population Health and Health Services Research.  2-4 Credits.     

This course provides medical students with basic didactic instruction in quantitative and qualitative methods as well as the research process. It also facilitates active learning as students complete research projects and produce scholarly works related to their interests, with the assistance of an interdisciplinary team of mentors.

PMED 950.  International Health Experience.  4-8 Credits.     

Within this elective are presented opportunities for the student to gain clinical and community health experiences in an international setting. The country selected is to be prearranged by the student with the assistance of faculty. Two modules are recommended for this elective. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

PMED 970.  Principles of Epidemiology.  2 Credits.     

Basic concepts of epidemiology and methods for identification of factors influencing health and disease in human populations. Considerations are centered on physical, biological, psychosocial and cultural factors in relation to infectious and non-infectious diseases; interactions between agent, host, and environmental factors as determinants of health and disease; application of the epidemiologic approach to health services; retrospective and prospective analysis of morbidity and mortality data.